Saturday, November 22, 2008

Part 1: Empty-Promises cannot last forever. This is only hurting the person more deeply.

I have said something that offended the customers, but did with intention. I kept asking myself,” Have I done something wrong “.The customer was so selective; he was using his fingers to pointed the stuffs but ended up a mess for me. An obedient boy followed the customer, brought everything that him have pointed. Almost 10 items which I could counted within my fingers, took those things to landing zone (Counter).The words I have said this items was very expensive but actually was quite cheap.

The lovely cashier Auntie was surprised when the counter stuffed with items, maybe she thought today was her luck day. During morning hour’s we were having less than ten customers that will pay a visit to this small and spacious less sundry shop.

The customer have reached the counter, Auntie welcomed him with a sincerest smiles. Auntie started calculated the amount with looked on price tag which attached on each items. The moves looked liked a robot, calculated the items and putted on the plastic bags. The cash register have shown the amount, the person seem astonished. Customer opened his mouth said: Lao Ban Liang (Chinese word which addresses the lady boss) could account again caused I am not satisfied with amount.

No choice but compromise with the customer request, the cash register generated the same amount. The customer opened up his wallet, founded that the money was short could not paid the bill. Started given invented excuse, could I brought these stuffs to home and paid it later. Dear readers, I guess your guy sure say: the auntie reject it.

Thanks for reading my blog.


NWO Observer said...

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Natalie Tan Li Chin a.k.a SmoothTan said...

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